FLDS, Warren Jeffs, and Zion Ranch

This is goin’ to sort of be my first big, deep dive story. It's not a local missing persons’ case or an unsolved homicide but it is one that happened in Texas and is definitely in the realm of true crime. So for this week’s true crime story, I’ll be covering Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Because this requires a bit of a history lesson on the LDS church I’m gonna get into that for just a second, because I also think it's a good thing to be able to know how and WHY this FLDS is so different from the main religion, which y'all, it's just Mormonism. Last Podcast on the Left actually did a six part series on it which I thought was really good, so def give it a listen if you want a super in-depth version cause I’m just gonna give the information you need to understand where the FLDS is coming from. 

Here we go. The original Mormon church was founded by Joseph Smith on April 6, 1830. He published a book called The Book of Mormon that was translated by himself from these golden plates inscribed with stories from American prophets. His mission was essentially to establish New Jerusalem in American and it would be called Zion. The next year his church began setting up in Jackson County, Missouri. And this is where he essentially wanted the church headquarters to be. But two years later in 1833, the locals ran them out and they weren’t able to get their land back. So they moved on to Kirtland where they built a temple and Smith had many new revelations, cause he is also a prophet by the way. 

a portrait of Joseph Smith Jr.

a portrait of Joseph Smith Jr.

That ALSO didn't work out cause in 1838 they hit some financial trouble. Because of the steadily growing Mormon population, they had essentially established their own bank, but it was not totally legal and was quite literally an anti-bank. Essentially their paper money wasn't official and it was useless to anyone who wasn’t Mormon. So these folks essentially just handed their money to Joseph Smith. 

When that got out Smith just left, and went to meet up with some of the church’s followers who had moved to Far West after they were initially run out. But folks still weren’t a fan of the Mormons and there were MANY violent conflicts with the settlers of Missouri. The state was beginning to get afraid that there would be a bigger issue so they ordered the Mormons to be "exterminated or driven from the State."

So once again they picked up and moved out and this time they established themselves in Illinois and established Nauvoo, the church’s new headquarters. Which during this time, the church is getting a fuckton of new followers. During this time Smith introduced polygamy to a close group of people, (it was something that a HUGE majority of the church didn’t even know was a thing and Smith himself had multiple wives but denied it), and established ceremonies that would allow righteous folks to become gods in the afterlife, and also created the Council of Fifty. It was their belief that Jesus was going to show up any day, and that they needed to set a sort of government council to help guide the Kingdom of God when it was time. Its actually a sort of in depth thing, but to hit the high points, Joseph Smith was the president, and under him was Brigham Young, and then under him was John Taylor. 

a photo of Nauvoo

a photo of Nauvoo

But whaddya know, people love violence and on June 27, 1844, Smith and his brother Hyrum were murdered by a mob in Carthage, Illinois. Now this caused a problem cause those were both of the men in charge, but ultimately Brigham Young took Smith’s place. And there were a few groups that didn’t agree of course, so they just sort of left and did their own thing. 

Tensions were still really high with the local pioneer population even after two years and before his death Smith had predicted that they should move west to the Rocky Mountains, so thats exactly what Young did. In 1847 they established what became the Utah Territory, the LDS church was established as a legal entity and was able to govern as a theocratic leader in this territory. He also fully established the practice of plural marriage.

Brigham Young via History.com

Brigham Young via History.com

10 Years later in 1857 the anger behind the theocracy and plural marriages set off the other American and the Utah Mormon War happened. It lasted a year and He eventually stepped down from power and was replaced by a non-Mormon. That's essentially it. 

But wait, you say! How do we get the FLDS out of the LDS? Well in 1904 polygamy was officially denounced by the church president at the time, Joseph F. Smith, and eventually there was a policy put in place to excommunicate members who continued to practice polygamy and they eventually separated themselves into fundamentalist groups. 

So in regards to the specific FLDS church in regards to Warren Jeffs, its first president was John Barlow. When he died in December of 1949, Joseph White Musser took over and he was still in charge when the Short Creek raid happened. Essentially with that, the government was tipped off and feared an insurrection so everyone in the place was arrested, about 400 people 263 of which were children, and out of that 150 were not allowed to return to their parents for two years if at all.

The next leader for the main FLDS church was Charles Zitting, he died, and Leeroy Johnson took over in 1986. Then HE died and Rulon Jeffs took over. He started getting sick and THEN his son, Warren Jeffs took over in 2002 when his father finally died. He gained the titles of "President and Prophet, Seer and Revelator" as well as "President of the Priesthood". 

Warren Jeffs via Apnews.com

Warren Jeffs via Apnews.com

Following his father’s death he made a statement towards the other high ranking men of the church saying,” I won't say much, but I will say this—hands off my father's wives.” He also then told the widows, “You women will live as if Father is still alive and in the next room.” and in the following two week proceeded to marry all but two of them. Which by the way. His father had at LEAST 75 wives. ( and about 65 kids if you were wondering) There were two he did not marry. One of them wasn’t named but she just straight up refused and then was prohibited from every marrying again. The other, Rebecca Wall, actually left the compound entirely. 

Some of Warren Jeffs’ 70 wives via The Sun

Some of Warren Jeffs’ 70 wives via The Sun

And in regards to the marriages, in this entire portion of the FLSD church it was solely up to Warren Jeffs to assign wives to these men and then DO the actual marriage. He also had the power to punish men by reassigning wives, children, and their homes to other men. He also specifically taught his church that a devoted man is expected to have at least 3 wives to get into heaven, and that the more wives he has the closer to heaven you’ll be. 

So. Now we’re gonna get into the ore criminal history of Warren Jeffs, and big trigger warning for, essentially the rest of this story, child abuse and sexual assault, and just abuse and sexual assault in general.

So in July of 2004 Brent Jeffs, his nephew, filed a lawsuit that claimed that Warren Jeffs had raped and abused him, as well as his brothers and other family members when he was either 5 or 6 living in the Salt Lake Valley compound. Brent’s brother has also committed suicide shortly after accusing Warren Jeffs of sexually assaulting him as a child, and even two of Brent’s children had made similar claims publicly as well. Now I don’t actually know the direct results from this cause I;m mainly going off of the Wikipedia pages. But from what I can tell this is the beginning of the big snowball for Warren Jeffs. 

Next year in June of 2005, Warren Jeffs was charged with sexual assault on a minor with conspiracy to commit sexual misconduct with a minor in Mohave County, Arizona. He had allegedly arranged a marriage in April of 2001 between a 14 year old girl and her first cousin who was 19, which by the way she was the younger sister of Rebecca Wall. She claimed that Allen repeatedly raped her and she miscarried often. But thankfully she was able to leave the community. 

The following month, the Arizona Attorney General’s office started putting out posters for Warren Jeff’s arrest with a $10,000 reward. 

Warren Jeff’s brother was actually arrested on October 28th when police were called about a possible drunk driver near Pueblo, Colorado at around 3AM. The brother, Seth, was actually asleep in the back but once the police realized who he was they got a warrant to search the SUV.  And in it they found $140,000 in cash, a bunch of letters for Warren Jeffs, multiple cell phones, and $7,000 in prepaid credit cards.

The state of Utah had an arrest warrant issued for Jeff’s on the felony charge of being an accomplice in the rape of a girl between 14 and 18. A month later he was placed on the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted with a $60,000 reward initially, but it was raised to $100,000 shortly after. 

In June of 2006 Jeffs went back to Colorado City where he was doing more marriages, and two years later Smoking Gun released pictures of Warren Jeffs celebrating his one year anniversaries in ‘05 and ‘06 with his two underage wives. One of which was only 12 years old. 

So thank fuck. In August 28th of 2006 at around 9PM, Jeffs was pulled over in Utah for the temporary plates on this vehicle not being visible. In the SUV was four computers, sixteen cellphones, disguises (wigs and shitty sunglasses) and more than $55,000 in cash. 

Jeffs’ SUV via Salt Lake Tribune

Jeffs’ SUV via Salt Lake Tribune

This is how the charges and trials went. 

  • Utah, two first-degree charges of accomplice rape, from 5 years to life. On Sept 25th he was found guilty and was sentenced to ten years to life and started his sentence in the Utah State Prison. However,  on July 27th 2010, that was overturned because the Supreme Court stated that “the trial judge should have told the jury that Jeffs could not be convicted unless he intended for Elissa's husband to engage in non-consensual sex with her”  She actually wrote a book after called Stolen Innocence about the whole thing. 

  • Arizona, there were sex charges coming from arraigned marriages between three teenage girls to older men . On February 27th 2008 he entered with a not-guilty plea. But eventually all charges were dropped because the victims no longer wanted to testify. He spent two years in jail waiting for the trial, which by the way, was MORE time than if he would have actually been convicted and found guilty.

He was also waiting on pending charges in Texas, which I will get into now. Cause its a whole fuckin thing. So I think I mentioned it super briefly before but in case I didn’t. In Texas the FLDS church had a bunch of its followers that were getting away from Utah and Arizona move to a sort of secret community that Jeffs called Yearning for Zion Ranch. Which the people left cause of the media, but also because Jeffs suspended all further religious meeting but still let them pay tithes and offerings to him. 

This ranch was home to about 500 people. The ranch has a temple, a waste-treatment facility,a 29,000 sqft house for Warren Jeffs, a meeting house, and several log and concrete homes. There were generators, gardens, a grain silo, and a quarry that was cut FOR the temple. This is all from like 2003 to 2005 by the way. 

Yearning for Zion Ranch via San Antonio Express News

Yearning for Zion Ranch via San Antonio Express News

Well, on March 25th, 2008, a local domestic violence hotline got a call from a girl identifying herself as Sarah, a 16 year old girl who was claiming to be a victim of physical and sexual abuse at Zion Ranch. They eventually found out that the call actually came from an older woman named Rozita Swinton who had actually been arrested  multiple times before for making hoax calls claiming to be abused women. 

But fortunately Texas law enforcement and child welfare groups actually began cordoning off the ranch as of April 3rd.  And enforcement showed up with the whole fuckin deal, a SWAT team, helicopters, an armored transport vehicle, and snipers. They were met with zero resistance.

According to a state spokesman they believed the kids “had been abused or were at immediate risk of future abuse.” And proceeded to search, literally everything in the ranch. And when they searched the temple they found beds and evidence that led them to believe that these were the places where the under-aged girls were being assaulted. But there was a religious scholar who later said in court that no no, the beds are there because their service can last a couple hours so they have em in case somebody needs to lay down. 

via GoSanAngelo Archive

via GoSanAngelo Archive

When CPS was making statements in court they said that there was no evidence that the children under 5 were abused and neither were the boys. But they did say this about the girls. “There was a systematic process going on to groom these young girls to become brides” and from interviewing the kids they gathered that “... several underage girls were forced into 'spiritual marriage' with much older men as soon as they reached puberty and were then made pregnant”

After that there was a court order to remove all 462 children from the ranch. Most of them were held by CPS in Fort Concho and San Angelo. There were over a hundred women who left to go with these kids and the one under 4 were actually able to stay with their mothers until they finished DNA testing, but only the ones under 18 months could stay indefinitely. Eventually it could come out that CPS didn’t have nearly enough evidence to prove these kids were in danger or abused and they were returned to their families within 10 days. 

So uh now I’ll just list the charges and convictions to come from all this. I;m getting it just from Wikipedia so bear with me as this is gonna be a wall of text on the site. 

  • On November 10, 2009, Raymond Jessop was sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined $8,000 for sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl on or about November 19, 2004.] On December 18, 2009, Allan Keate was sentenced to 33 years in prison. He fathered a child with a 15-year-old girl.

  • On January 22, 2010, Michael George Emack pleaded no contest to sexual assault charges and was sentenced to seven years in prison. He married a 16-year-old girl at YFZ Ranch on August 5, 2004. She gave birth to a son less than a year later. On April 14, 2010, Emack also pleaded no contest on a bigamy charge and received a seven-year sentence that will run concurrently with the sentence he received for sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl.

  • A Utah court found Jeffs guilty of two counts of rape as an accomplice in September 2007. He was sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years to life but while serving this sentence at the Utah State Prison, Jeffs' conviction was reversed by Utah's Supreme Court on July 27, 2010 because of a flaw in the jury instructions. Jeffs was extradited to Texas, to face trial on charges facing him there. The Texas jury found him guilty of sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault of children. He was sentenced to life in prison plus twenty years, to be served consecutively, and a $10,000 fine, for sexual assault of both 12 and 15-year-old girls.

  • On March 19, 2010, Merril Leroy Jessop was sentenced to 75 years in prison for one count of sexual assault of a child. Jessop was convicted of illegally marrying and then fathering a child with a 15-year-old female

  • On April 15, 2010, Lehi Barlow Jeffs pleaded no contest to bigamy and sexual assault of a child, avoiding a trial that had been set for April 26. He was sentenced to eight years in prison.

  • On June 22, 2010, Abram Harker Jeffs was found guilty of sexual assault of a child.

  • On August 9, 2011, leader Warren Steed Jeffs was found guilty of one count of aggravated sexual assault of a child and one count of sexual assault of a child and sentenced to life in prison plus 20 years to be served consecutively.

During Warren Jeffs time in prison he tried to hang himself in 2007 and at some point got transferred over 100 miles from one hospital to another cause he got extremely sick. He also started long ass hunger strikes that he claimed were for religious reasons and in 2011 he was put into a medically induced coma after some excessive fasting even though a few years earlier a judge had ordered him to be force fed. In 2019 he had a mental breakdown that prevented him from giving deposition in court in a sex case against him.

If you need more of a reason to hate him, go check out the “views” section on his Wikipedia, he's a racist piece of shit and I’m not about to repeat any of it. 

There is an abundance of accounts from folks who have escaped. There are dozens of interviews, books, you name it. They’re definitely worth looking into if you want to go on a full on deep dive with this topic.

Sources: Cults Podcast, Last Podcast on the Left, Biography, Wikipedia (1, 2, 3), Seattle Times Archive

Sonya Wallace

My case takes place in Rockdale, Texas, which is way south of Dallas sort of in between Temple and College Station. Our victim is Sonya Wallace, a 15 year old girl at Rockdale High School. 

via Williamson County Sheriff’s Office

via Williamson County Sheriff’s Office

This all happened in 1999, so unfortunately there's not really anything about Sonya that I could tell you about her. But in all honesty, it seemed like she was just an average kid, and this tragic thing just so happened to happen to her. 

On February 19th, 1999, Sonya left her house that afternoon, telling her family she was going to walk to the post office to deliver a letter. They all expected her back after a while, the house was just four blocks away after all, but she never came home. 

Her family reported her missing the next day. And I think that they waited so long because at the time, Sonya’s mother wasn’t home, in my head I’m assuming it just her dad and some siblings running around, and it’d be such an easy thing to just nod off as “Oh well, she must have gone to a friend’s house after.”

Her mother (Linda Gonzalez) is quoted in Dateline saying,

I will regret this till the day I die – that was supposed to be my day off. But they called me in to work, and so I went to work...I didn’t find out until I got back that night at 10:00 p.m

So assuming she did leave right at noon, that's 10 hours gone for a trip that's maybe 20 minutes all together? I know its the 90s, but you’d still call your parents as SOON as you got to a friend’s house and let them know where you are. 

The following day the Rockdale Police Department began investigations where she was last seen. They interviewed friends, family, students at the school she went to but as far as I can tell nothing came from it at all and slowly the case just fizzled out. 

A week goes by, then two, and finally on March 14th 1999, a man driving near the area by Structure and Coupland, TX (about a 35-45 minute drive) saw vultures circling. Now this area is very rural, mostly a farming and ranching kinda place, and its mentioned that the man is a rancher and had cattle in the area. He gets to where they’re at and its by this bridge, and when he does he discovers the body of Sonya Wallace. 

She's severely decomposed and from what they gather she had also been bludgeoned to death.

“It was obvious that foul play was involved,” Det. Miller told Dateline. “We have no evidence of where the actual murder occurred. My belief is that she was killed elsewhere and brought under the bridge.”

At that point the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office took hold of the investigation because it was in their jurisdiction to do so. According to Sergeant John Pokorny the team gathered evidence that included Sonya’s clothes and some soda bottles. 

via Williamson County Sheriff’s Office

via Williamson County Sheriff’s Office

Sgt. Pokorny believes that her friends might have some valuable information.

"At the time they might have been 16,17,18 but now they're well into their life they have kids of their own their lifestyle has changed their mentality has changed and somebody out there they know something," 

Sonya’s mother believes that it was somebody who knew her that did this, but the unfortunate reality is that, right in front of the post office is a farmed market road that heads right in the direction of where her body was found. ( There's a few turns, but the point stands.)

The Cold Case Unit had said they there have been over 100 people interviewed and that they are in the process of extracting DNA as of September 17th, 2018. There hasn’t been any updates to the case since then, but DNA depending on the amount provided can take quite a long time to process and then match. 

If you have any information on the circumstances surrounding Sonya Wallace’s disappearance and murder, please call the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office Cold Case Unit at 512-943-5204 or email coldcasetips@wilco.org. Tips may remain anonymous.

You can also contact the Milam County Crime Stoppers at 1-888-697-TIPS, or from their website

Sources: NBC, Fox7 Austin, Milam County Crime Stoppers.

The Great Molasses Flood

On January 15, 1919 around 12:30pm in Boston’s North End residents suddenly heard the sound of an elevated train passing by, followed by the sound of machine gun fire, or something like a loud thunder clap before a 25 foot wave of molasses came rushing out onto the city as the rivets and metal walls from the Purity Distillery Company’s 50 ft tall (and 90 ft and diameter) molasses storage tank exploded.  2,300,000 gallons of molasses filled the streets, reaching speeds up to 35 mph. The wave of molasses was strong enough to sweep buildings off of their foundations and crush them, a streetcar was momentarily moved off of its tracks, and streets were filled with 2-5 feet of molasses. People were picked up and hurled many feet and many people became trapped when the molasses started to cool.

via Historic America

via Historic America

Puleo quotes a Boston Post report:

Molasses, waist deep, covered the street and swirled and bubbled about the wreckage …. Here and there struggled a form—whether it was animal or human being was impossible to tell. Only an upheaval, a thrashing about in the sticky mass, showed where any life was …. Horses died like so many flies on sticky fly-paper. The more they struggled, the deeper in the mess they were ensnared. Human beings—men and women—suffered likewise.

Cleaning crews took weeks to clean up the mess and even longer to clean up the rest of Boston because site seers and cleaning crews tracked molasses everywhere. 

“An inquiry after the disaster revealed that Arthur Jell, USIA's treasurer, neglected basic safety tests while overseeing construction of the tank, such as filling it with water insufficient to check for leaks, and ignored warning signs such as groaning noises each time the tank was filled. He had no architectural or engineering experience. When filled with molasses, the tank leaked so badly that it was painted brown to hide them. Local residents collected leaked molasses for their homes. A 2014 investigation applied modern engineering analysis and found that the steel was half as thick as it should have been for a tank of its size, even with the lax standards of the day, and it also lacked manganese and was made more brittle as a result. The tank's rivets were also apparently flawed, and cracks first formed at the rivet holes”

via Boston Globe

via Boston Globe

Residents of the area filed what is thought to be one of the first class action lawsuits against the company, who claimed anarchists blew up the tank, but after three years if hearings the company paid out $628,000 (9.26 mil for inflation), thus relatives receiving 7,000 (103,000) for each victim.

  • Pasquale Iantosca, 10 years old was outside collecting firewood when he was swept up by a wave- his body wasn’t identified until mid January.

  • Flaminio Gallerani, 37 was said to be sitting on his truck when the flood hit, he was reported missing soon after the carnage but wasn’t found until 11 days after the flood.

  • Cesare Nicolo, 32, a wagon driver who wasn’t found until 4 months after the flood.

  • William Brogan, 61, a teamster who was caught in the flood.

  • Bridget Clougherty, 65, the rush of molasses caused a vacuum and ripped her house from its foundation, which was then crushed by fallen buildings and rubble.

  • John Callahan, 43, worked as a paver in the North End Paving yard.

  • Maria Distasio, 10, found at the base of the molasses tank.

  • William Duffy, 58, worked a paver in the North End Paving yard, survived by his wife of 35 years and 19-year old daughter.

  • Peter Francis, 64, worked as a blacksmith in the North End Paving yard

  • James H. Kinneally, ?, worked in the North End Paving yard

  • Eric Laird, 17, was delivering a shipment when the flood hit, his body was found under  “molasses-coated mass of wrecked auto trucks, express boxes and packages in the freight shed of the Bay State Electric Freight Railway,” according to the Globe.

  • George Layhe, 38, a firefighter crushed by the wreckage of the firehouse

  • James Lennon, 64, a foreman with the North End Paving Yard

  • Ralph Martin, 21, working with the Blackstone Supply Company 

  • Michael Sinnott, 74, working as a messenger for the Public Works Department, “He had returned to work 20 minutes before the explosion and was thrown several feet against a pile of paving stones and suffered a fractured skull, both legs broken, contusions and internal injuries,” the Post reported.

  • James McMullen, 46, foreman for the Bay State Express 

  • Thomas Noonan, 43, longshoreman “He and his son, Carthage Noonan, were returning home from South Boston and when on Commercial st were caught in the flood of molasses and wreckage,” the Globe reported.

  • Peter Shaughnessy, 18, teamster “His horse, covered with molasses, was found dead yesterday, near North End Park, and the wagon was found wrecked,” the Globe reported on Jan. 17. “No trace of the young man was found.”  the day of the flood was his first day on the job

  • John Sieberlich, 69, worked in the North End Paving Yard

Sources: Wikipedia, History, Boston

Shade Schuler and Muhlaysia Booker

On July 29, 2015 police were called to a vacant lot on a residential street located between Harry Hines and I35, in the vacant lot a body was found. The body had been so far advanced in decomposition that police couldn't determine a race. The victim was found to be wearing a black wig, “false” fingernails (i’m assuming press-ons or acrylics or something) with pink tips and rhinestones, sunglasses, a blue and white cotton tube top, blue shorts, and black Nike flip-flops. There were faint tattoos visible, on the right shin there was one that read Shade, on the right shoulder there was the name Willie inside of a heart, and finally on the right thigh there was a banner and a star.

Shade Schuler via MySpace

Shade Schuler via MySpace

The victim turned out to be Shade Schuler, a 22 year old trans woman. The initial police posting on the DFW Beat identified her sex as male when asking the public for help in a posting on August 10, 2015. However, Senior Corporal Monica Cordova, a public information officer with the Dallas Police Department, told Cosmopolitan.com that because some of Schuler's friends referred to her as female, and because "she was found in women's clothing," the department is now referring to Schuler as female. "Unfortunately, we can't talk to her to figure out what she would be liked to be called," Cordova said, but they have chosen to adopt female pronouns "out of respect" for the victim. (Cosmopolitan)

Friends and the trans-rights community affectionately call Shade Ms. Shade. 

Unfortunately, again, i can't find an obituary for Ms. Shade. I can’t find much information on the crime except what I’ve given you and that reason is because of the sheer amount of trans WOC that are being murdered in Dallas. Ms. Shade’s story is overshadowed by the monster amount of cases the DPD has in their load. 

In April 12, 2019 a video circulated of 23 year old trans woman Muhlaysia Booker being beaten brutally in an apartment complex while many men joined in and others watched Booker struggle to escape until a group of women helped her get away. It was described in an article by the Washington Post as looking like “mob violence.”

Muhlaysia Booker via Robyn Crowe

Muhlaysia Booker via Robyn Crowe

According to police Muhlaysia had accidentally backed into Edward Thomas’s car, who then got out of his car and held her at gunpoint until she paid for damages, a crowd started forming when someone offered Thomas $200 to beat Muhlaysia. Thomas was arrested and charged with aggravated assault on April 14th.

During a rally after her publicized attack Booker said “This time I can stand before you whereas in other scenarios we are at a memorial” 

On May 22nd Muhlaysia Booker was found shot to death in a wooded area in South Dallas between an apartment complex and a golf course.

Muhlaysia was last seen getting into a light colored Lincoln.

In June 2019 a man named Kendrell Lyles was arrested under the suspicion of Muhlaysia’s murder, who is also suspected of two other murders and is a person of interest in the murder of Chaynel Lindsey, another trans woman who’s body was found in White Rock Lake..

Police connected Lyles to Booker’s murder when they saw that cellphone records indicated her and Booker were in the same place at the same time, his car also matched the description of the car Muhlaysia was seen getting into. 

Because Lyles was arrested so recently, there is no additional information on the direction the case is going in. "Muhlaysia had many fights," Stephanie Houston, Booker’s mom, said. "Muhlaysia didn't start trouble, but she would finish it. ... She just always had to defend, defend, defend, defend."

Muhlaysia’s funeral took place at the Cathedral of Hope, one of the country’s largest LGBTQ+ congregations near Oak Lawn. She was buried in a blue casket that matched her bejeweled blue dress. 400 people attended the memorial.

Her mom openly admitted she had issues accepting Muhlaysia as a transgender woman and once in a moment of anger she said she’d cut Muhlaysia’s hair and dress her as a man if she ever died before her mother. Stephanie Houston ultimately “honored her truth because of how hard she fought for it and paid the ultimate price.”

“I grew up with a brother who I loved, and later introduced to Muhlaysia, who I loved. That was my sister, my friend, and she meant a lot to me,” Booker’s sister La’Quincia Taylor said. 

Muhlaysia was also honored in a small London vigil outside of the US Embassy on May 29, 2019. 

Sources: CNN, Dallas News, Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan, Texas Tribune, NY Times, Wikipedia, The Guardian, and CBS

The Flatwoods Monster

In the town of Flatwoods, West Virginia on September 12th 1952 there was a sighting of a creature that has sparked the people of Braxton County into a debate. 

At 7:15PM, Edward (13) and Fred May (12) along with their friend Tomy Hyer (10), saw a bright object shoot across the sky and land on a nearby farm owned by G. Bailey Fisher. So when the boys saw this they immediately lost their minds and ran home to tell Kathleen May, Edward and Fred’s mom. I imagine she just rolls her eyes and humors the boys and heads out with them. Somewhere in their trek to the farm they picked up a few more people, Neil Nunley(14), Ronnie Shaver(10), and West Virginia National Guardsman Eugene Lemon(17).

Eugene Lemon also had a dog, which I mention only because as they were about to go over this hill into the farm property, the dog ran up ahead of them and immediately ran back to the group. When the rest of them finally got to the top they saw something truly bizarre. 

The descriptions are slightly varied but here's what I found. There was apparently this pulsating red light and when a flashlight was shined in that direction they saw a 10ft tall creature. It had a round blood-red face with this large pointed hood shape around it, similar to a spade on a playing card. Its eye emitted this greenish-orange color and its body was either dark black or green. It also supposedly had small claw-like hands, and was wearing either just green clothing or armor. 

Eugene Lemon and Kathleen May via Flatwoods Monster Museum

Eugene Lemon and Kathleen May via Flatwoods Monster Museum

It was generally pretty hard for the group to see because as they got closer they smelt this rotten egg sulfur-y smell and there was this mist everywhere that made their eyes and noses burn. Also because as soon as the flashlight hit the monster, it made this shrieking hissing sound and glided straight at the group. To which they responded to by running the fuck away. There were later reported to be very nauseous and sick, and it may or may not be related, but some later developed cancer. 

When Kathleen got back into town she contacted the local Sheriff Robert Carr, and Mr. A. Lee Stewert, co-owner of the Braxton Democrat, a local newspaper. Mr. Steward had done several interviews and even went back to the site with Lemon and he reported saying that “there was a sickening, burnt, metallic odor still prevailing” He also wrote later that he had discovered these"skid marks" in the field and an "odd, gummy deposit" . However, when the Sheriff returned he said that there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. 

The skid marks are actually believed to belong to a Chevy pickup truck belonging to Max Lockard, who had actually gone to look for the creature hours before Stewert had gotten there. Eugene Lemon’s mother said that her house shook and the radio had cut out for about 45 minutes that night. There was also a report from the local director of the Board of Education and he said that at 6:30 that following morning he saw a flying saucer take off. And I should take a minute to mention that the reason there were just so many people at the site is because Kathleen was mainly worried that it was a crashed airplane at first because again, this is the early 1950s and not even a handful of years earlier the Soviet Union had just tested the atomic bomb. So everyone is already on edge. Also?? Folks LOVED aliens at this time. 

About a week later on a highway near the original site a woman and her daughter were driving when a bright blinding light hit their car. When they stopped they saw the original creature wearing this metallic skirt through this sulfur-y smoke and light. It was floating on some sort of device and when it touched their car it created a V shaped burn onto it. 

So this story just sort of blows up, its in dozens of newspapers and on the radio and eventually it gets to the U.S. Air Force and because they had been doing research on UFO’s under Project Blue Book and they had an explanation. It was just an owl. By the way in 1952 they counted 1,501 UFO sightings, 303 if which were unexplained. The highest amount between 1947-1969, the second highest being only 46 unexplained sightings. 

Project Blue Book is a whole ass thing the US Military did to investigate UFO sightings which is pretty dope, but we’re talkin Flatwoods Monster. 

There was another sighting on September 12th, the original sighting time, where George and Edith Snitowsky were driving between Gassaway and Frametown, West Virginia. Their car, which had gotten a new battery, suddenly stalled, and as they were stopped on the road they began to smell this rank whatever smell. So George got out of the car to check it out and further down the road there was this hovering globe moving back and forth glowing this soft violet light. When he mover closer to investigate he felt the  "sensation of thousands of needle-like vibrations" on his skin, he started to feel sick and stumbled to head back to the car. As he turned around his wife screamed that there was something behind him and when he glanced to look he saw “a figure about eight or nine feet tall with a big head, bloated body and long spindly arms gliding rapidly”

So if you go to Flatwoods, West Virginia now the place is littered with museums dedicated to their monster. Sutton, West Virginia has a Flatwoods Monster Museum, and the Braxton County Visitor’s Center had also slowly turned into a monster museum! There’s even a local-ish band named Captain Catfeesh based in Morgantown, and they’re this folk-punk band that sings about cryptids and stuff. There’s specifically a song called the “Phantom of Flatwoods”! 

Captain Catfeesh album artwork

Captain Catfeesh album artwork

Sources: Cryptozoology, History, Wikipedia, WV Public, and Last Podcast on the Left Ep.109

Misty and Cassandra Ballou & Brian Ritchie

This case happened on September 20, 2010 on 88 Reynolds Road, which is east on Highway 82 past the intersection with 1417. Its now called Reynolds Lane btw.

There isn’t much on the victims, but I’ll give you what I found.

Misty Ballou was 25 at the time of her death, she had one child, and her sister was Cassandra Ballou who was also unfortunately in the fire as well. Cassandra was 28, she had two children and was pregnant at the time as well. The third victim was Brian Ritchie, he lived in the house with Misty and was 30 at the time of his death. There’s not really too much coverage on Brian, but in his obituary it says he enjoyed hunting and fishing, and that he worked at his dad’s auto body shop. There’s actually a tad more, but I’ll get to that near the end.

Cassandra and Misty via KXII

Cassandra and Misty via KXII

After responders got to the fire, the bodies of Misty, Cassandra, and Brian were all found inside. Brian had suffered blunt and sharp force trauma and had multiple gunshot wounds, Misty was shot several times, and Cassandra had been stabbed multiple times and shot once. It was also discovered that accelerant was used in multiple places inside of the home. 

Brian Ritchie via Legacy.com

Brian Ritchie via Legacy.com

When investigations were done on the inside of the house after finding that this was now a homicide investigation, the Grayson County Sheriff’s Deputy Ricky Wheeler said that the SO had contacted the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosive’s Agency to investigate. They had a K-9 unit and access to technology that isn’t readily available in town. The sheriff’s office also got help from the Texas Rangers and was given permission to use their forensic labs in Garland and Austin. In total, there were about 110 pieces of potential evidence taken from the scene and over a does people were interviewed. 

As of 2015 the investigation was active and ongoing, but still 10 years later theres no news of a person of interest or any arrests made in relation to the murders or the arson. 

The Ballou family has gotten over 1,000 signatures on a petition to urge the sheriff’s office to cooperate with TV shows like “Cold Case”, but nothing has happened of yet. The Ballou family was also contacted by the Justice Riders in Fannin county that also rode for Jennifer Harris who attended a small memorial for the two sisters and offered their support to the familly.

So as I mentioned before there was a bit more I had to mention about Brian Ritchie. I saw this Facebook post on a page called Grayson County News, and this post is from August 12th of 2018. It bring to light a number of cold cases in the area, theres Thelma Totten, Brent Gutheinz, Theresa Guiderbaldi, and Brian’s own case. But it mentions something I hadn’t read in any of the articles I found. The post says that the murders were drug related because of Brian Ritchie’s criminal record, so of course I had to look it up. And just. Wow. 

  • Brian was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and criminal mischief on May 4th, 1998 plead guilty. He got 5 years of probation and 120 hours of community service. 

  • January 14th 1999, he was found guilty of burglary and sentenced to 7 years probation and 240 hours of community service. 

  • June 29th he was charged with posession of a controlled substance less than a gram. Guilty, 5 years probation, 120 hours of community service. 

  • Feburary 25th of 2000, he was charged with aggrivated kidnapping, and sentenced to 10 years probation.

There were some appeals made to this if I read the records right, he lost a handfull of years of probation and was required to take anger management classes. 

So because he lived with Misty Ballou, I decided to check her records as well. 

Her’s start on August 4th 2002 with a DWI, she gets 180 days in jail and probation for 2 years.

  • On September 8th she’s charged with theft, gets probation for a year and 40 hours of community service, it looks like there was somthing else she had for a year but I couldn’t find out what it meant. 

  • July 8th 2002, she get charged with possession of prescription drugs (June 12th 2003)

  • October 24th 2003 she gets charged with marijuana possession and possession of a controlled substance, get probation for 6 years and 160 community service hours. She got the marijuana charge down to 5 years and it looks like the other was changed to rehab for a year. 

  • Her last charge is possession of a dangerous drug on september 7th, 2008 and sentenced to 30 days it looks like. 

I was really kinda shocked, because all you see in articles is just nice things about the girls, and well. I checked Cassandra. 

  • July 22, 1999 - Manufacture/Delivery of a Controlled Substance with an additional code I couldnt find. 5 years probation after $5,000 bond

  • April 27th 2000- Minor in posession of Alcoholic beverage, jailed for 3 or 4 days.

  • November 20th, 2000, evading arest using a vehicle,was 2 years but on a $5,000 bond she got county jail 6 days

  • May 7th, 2000 Abandon Endanger Child Criminal Negligence,2 years jail with a $5,000 bond.  5 years probation and 120 hours community service 

  • May 7th, 2000 Unauthorized use of vehicle, 5 years probation and 120 community service hours. 17 days straight jail time. 

  • Febuary 27th, 2001 marijuana posession, evading arrest 180days in county jail and 2 years

  • January 16th, 2005 theft by check, 180 days in jail

  • Feb 11th, 2005 theft 55-1,500, 180days

  • Jan 31st, 2005 forgery financial instrument, 7 years

  • July 16, 2005 marijuana posession, 7 years 

  • Jan 18th, 2005, theft by check, 7 years

  • May 16th, 2005 posession of a controlled substance, 7 years

  • March 2nd, 2005 burglary of habitation, 7 years

Any information regarding the case should be sent to the Grayson County Sheriff's Office at 903-813-4200 or through their online tipline. 

Sources: KXII ( 1, 2), Herald Democrat, Grayson County’s Judicial Record search

The Spark Ranger

The odds of being struck by lightning in one year the US is 1 in 700,000 and the odds of getting struck by lightning in your entire lifetime are 1 in 3,000. Being struck by lightning can cause cardiac arrest or it can just straight up kill you. Injuries from lightning can be anything from burns, to memory loss, brain damage, and/or personality change. 10% of people struck by lightning are killed and 70% suffer long term effects-- 400 people survive being struck a year in the US.

Roy Sullivan was born in Virginia in 1912 and was the fourth of eleven children. Growing up in the Blue Ridge mountains and familiarized with the area, Sullivan joined the Civilian Conservation Corps and helped build what would become the Shenandoah National Park, where he worked as a park ranger from 1936 until his retirement in (?).

Roy Sullivan literally looked almost exactly like Gene Hackman and that’s mentioned in the wiki article i read and i need you to see the resemblance, too.

While working at the National park Sullivan was struck by lightning SEVEN times.

via allthatsinteresting.com

via allthatsinteresting.com

The first lightning strike occurred in April 1942. He was hiding from a thunderstorm in a fire lookout tower. The tower was newly built and had no lightning rod at the time; it was hit seven or eight times. Inside the tower, “fire was jumping all over the place”. Sullivan ran out and just a few feet away received what he considered to be his worst lightning strike. It burned a half-inch strip all along his right leg, hit his toe, and left a hole in his shoe.

He was hit again in July 1969. Unusually, he was hit while in his truck, driving on a mountain road—the metal body of a vehicle normally protects people in cases such as this by acting as a Faraday cage. The lightning first hit nearby trees and was deflected into the open window of the truck. The strike knocked Sullivan unconscious and burned off his eyebrows and eyelashes, and set his hair on fire. The uncontrolled truck kept moving until it stopped near a cliff edge.

In July 1970, Sullivan was struck while in his front yard. The lightning hit a nearby power transformer and from there jumped to his left shoulder, burning it.

In spring 1972, Sullivan was working inside a ranger station in Shenandoah National Park when another strike occurred. It set his hair on fire; he tried to smother the flames with his jacket. He then rushed to the restroom, but couldn’t fit under the water tap and so used a wet towel instead. Although he never was a fearful man, after the fourth strike he began to believe that some force was trying to destroy him and he acquired a fear of death. For months, whenever he was caught in a storm while driving his truck, he would pull over and lie down on the front seat until the storm passed. He also began to believe that he would somehow attract lightning even if he stood in a crowd of people, and carried a can of water with him in case his hair was set on fire.

via Wikipedia

via Wikipedia

On August 7, 1973, while he was out on patrol in the park, Sullivan saw a storm cloud forming and drove away quickly. But the cloud, he said later, seemed to be following him. When he finally thought he had outrun it, he decided it was safe to leave his truck. Soon after, he was struck by a lightning bolt. Sullivan stated that he actually saw the bolt that hit him. The lightning moved down his left arm and left leg and knocked off his shoe. It then crossed over to his right leg just below the knee. Still conscious, Sullivan crawled to his truck and poured the can of water, which he always kept there, over his head, which was on fire.

The next strike, on June 5, 1976, injured his ankle. It was reported that he saw a cloud, thought that it was following him, tried to run away, but was struck anyway. His hair also caught fire. On Saturday morning, June 25, 1977, Sullivan was struck while fishing in a freshwater pool. The lightning hit the top of his head, set his hair on fire, traveled down, and burnt his chest and stomach. Sullivan turned to his car when something unexpected occurred — a bear approached the pond and tried to steal trout from his fishing line. Sullivan had the strength and courage to strike the bear with a tree branch. He claimed that this was the twenty-second time he hit a bear with a stick in his lifetime.

All seven of these lightning strikes were reported by the Shenedoah superintendent.

Apparently, Sullivan’s wife was also struck by lightning one time when she was hanging clothes out to dry- Sullivan made it out safely.

Because Sullivan was struck so many times by lightning, people were afraid to be around him because he was such bad luck and were worried they’d get struck by lightning too and in his older age it really started to bum him out. Sullivan once said, “For instance, I was walking with the Chief Ranger one day when lightning struck way off. The Chief said, ‘ll see you later.’”

Sullivan died at the age of 71 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in 1983 while lying in bed next to his wife (30 years younger)-- who didn’t notice for a couple of hours..

A mystery perhaps?

Roy Sullivan is in the Guinness Book of World Records for Most Lightning Strikes Survived. The odds of getting struck by lightning 7 times in your life are 100 nonillion. Thats 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. A one with 32 zeros behind it.

Sources: National Geographic, allthatsinteresting.com. Mental Floss, Guinness World Records, Wikipedia

Richard Glenn Robinson

On July, 27th 2009 police officers in Melissa, Texas found the decomposing body of Richard Glenn Robinson Sr, 4 days after he was reported missing from Dallas by family and friends, he was last seen by them on July 19th. His body was found in the trunk of a 2001 Hyundai Sonata that was in a vacant lot off of US 75 and Telephone Rd in Melissa, Texas. The sonata was registered to his live-in girlfriend, Stacy Maloney, but it was, however, “his to use” according police Sgt Kyle Babcock. 

Richard Robinson via Dallas Morning News

Richard Robinson via Dallas Morning News

Though police did find Richard in the trunk of his car they didn’t immediately investigate his death as a homicide. His body showed no obvious signs of trauma and there weren’t any signs of of binds on his hands or feet. At the time, the Collin County Medical Examiner's Office couldn't determine a cause of death. Babcock mentioned that though foul play was a possibility, they couldn’t rule out that Robinson could have died from suicide or natural causes and someone abandoned the body to rid themselves of responsibility. “Until we’ve got a cause from death… we’ll go from there” Babcock said.

An autopsy later stated that Robinson died of homicidal violence.

Richard Glenn Robinson Sr was a father of three children and had a job helping grocery stores track inventory. 

Police did find in phone records that Robinson and girlfriend, Stacey Maloney (he was found in a car registered to her, remember?)  had met a bar (the 777 Club) in Dallas. Maloney told police that the two had drank together and then went their separate ways. Police followed some leads after this, but after about a year the case went cold.

In 2018 Melissa police department decided to reopen the case, and with the help of the Texas Rangers and the Collin County DA’s Office they’d found that they didn’t interview someone- Stacy Maloney’s boyfriend at the time, Mitchell Jones. They tracked down Jones who was living in Louisiana at the time, and formally interviewed him. 

According to Mitchell Jones the motive for Robinson’s death was simply to rob him for drugs and money, because according to Maloney she was “going out with a guy who is always throwing out drugs and money.” 

According to Jones, when Robinson arrived to the home that he and Maloney had shared and began to walk inside, Jones pulled him into the garage, “I grabbed him and pulled him into the garage, and we struggled,” Jones told police. He then stated that he used a cord to strangle Richard Glenn Robinson to death. Robinson was then stripped down to his underwear and placed in the trunk of his own car, which Mitchell Jones then drove to an abandoned store front “out in the country.” Maloney and her friend Jasmine Saliz followed behind in Jone’s car and purchased bleach.

Once the trio arrived at the spot where they had decided to dump the car, they opened the trunk and doused Richard’s body in bleach and then left. 

Jones’s confession was enough to land the trio in jail, and Stacy Maloney (who now goes by Stacy Johnson) and Jasmine Saliz were held in Collin County Detention Center and bail was set at $1 million, while Jones was extradited from Louisiana.

Jones, Johnson, and Salaz via Dallas News

Jones, Johnson, and Salaz via Dallas News

On April 10, 2019 Mitchell Johnson was found guilty of capital murder by a jury of his peers sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole 

Johnson (Maloney) and Saliz are still awaiting trial.

"Police and prosecutors never forget a victim, even from a cold case," stated Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis. "Their relentless efforts brought a murderer to justice and brings some solace to the family."

When the arrests were made, Ronald Robinson, Richards brother, said that what he remembered most was that his brother was always there for his family. Now that arrests have been made, the family’s attention has turned to focusing on getting Richard justice. 

Sources: Dallas Morning News, Herald Democrat, Star Local Media, DFW CBS, My Texas Daily

The Donkey Lady

So. My macabre story this go is not quite a cryptid, not quite a haunting, and definitely a local legend. This is about the bridge on the end of  West Jett Rd. before it reaches Applewhite Rd. and thats just south of San Antonio. You can look it up on Google Maps as the Donkey Lady Bridge and it’ll show up for ya. 

via Texas Cryptid Hunter

via Texas Cryptid Hunter

There’s a pretty big span of time when folks think the story originated, some sources say it started in the 1950s and others say as far back as the 1800s.And there are a could of different variations of the origin of the Donkey Lady so I think I’ll just start with a description of what she looks like and then get into the different origin stories, and then the run-ins that people in the area have had with her. 

In one account, she is said to have drooped baggy skin that looks to have been from severe burns, making her entire face elongated, hence her name. Her fingers are fused together because of fire as well, giving them the appearance of hooves. In fact, her entire body is said to be blackened and burnt. She’s also usually seen crying as well.

via DiosElGato on Etsy! (X) Support local artists, buy a shirt!

via DiosElGato on Etsy! (X) Support local artists, buy a shirt!

So the story goes that this woman lived with her husband and two children by this creek, and they earned a living through farming, which was at times just the slightest bit way from the family to be starving. They were really just SURVIVING through the farm. 

 One day this man rode through, and he was from this rich landowner family not to far off, and for a bit of fun he decided to start beating the family’s mule. So the poor thing starts making lot of noise and the couple goes to investigate and when they see this man beating their animal they start throwing rocks at him to shoo him off. He gets hit a few times and before running of he curses the two, sayin that one day he’ll get even.

One slight variation to this part is that the strange man is the son of a wealthy San Antonio merchant, and that he was teasing the mule with a stick before it got pissed and bit him. So he got pissed and started just smackin it harder. 

So later that night, the man returned with a small group of people and they silently snuck up to the house and set it on fire. This group, in some stories, was heavily armed and agreed to not let anyone out of the house.  Within moments the entire house was alight and the husband ran out trying to distract the group of people outside so his family could escape, but it was no use. He was shot. The children are said to have died and that their and the wife’s screams could be heard from a mile away. But the wife however, is said to have survived. She ran out of the house, horribly burned, and threw herself into the nearby creek. Some stories say that the mob followed her to the creek, but once she jumped in, nobody saw her emerge from the water and never found her body.

The best way to summon the Donkey Lady is to honk your car horn on the bridge, but sometimes you don’t even need to do that. 

Theres this one story of a kid who had gone out camping with his dad and brother for the weekend by this unofficial county park. As they’re unloading the truck the boys hear this movement in the weeds up by the front of the truck, so they call their dad and then they all see these tall weeds move and begin hearing this snorting/snarling sound. The dad had no fuckin clue what it was so they packed up REAL quick and as they were the thing in the weeds was moving to the road. So they all hop in and the dad guns it, and as soon as the tires hit the road this THING darts out in front of the truck and in an instant this thing is up on the hood screaming at them through the windshield. The truck is still going and it starts to just smash the windshield in places. So the dad pulls the classic movie-move and slams on the breaks, she flies off and they are able to haul ass out of there. 

Another story is that these friends were all hangin out and some of em got bored. So when somebody suggested they all go check out the Donkey Lady bridge. So of-fucking-course three of em said yes. It was dark out, but the house was not too far of a drive from the bridge. Cut to SIX HOURS LATER. The car is pulling back into the driveway, its windshield is totally busted, the hood is dented and covered in what looks to be blood. And get this, theres only one person in the car, not three. 

They finally get their friend to tell em all what happened and this is what he said.

They had tried to do the whole honking thing but after about 15 minutes of waiting and nothing happening, they decides to go and look for the Donkey Lady themselves. As the three of them are looking out in the woods, car-wreck-dude-man feels like somethings watching them so he tells the others to be quiet and as they’re looking around, off in the distance, they see these two eyes staring at them. Upon seeing this the two girls freak the fuck out and run back to the car, and as soon as dude man turns his back to follow theres just this god awful scream coming from the direction of the eyes behind him. 

He’s fumbling for the keys inside and they hear this HORSE running at them, the gar starts, and he floors it and slams into the thing and it just rolls across the top of the car and they drive away. Friends investigated the next morning and found blood on the road and hoofprints a ways off. 

 Sadly this bridge is now gated off, so probably no podcast recording on this one, but I still got my hopes up for the Goatman Bridge. 

Sources: Texas Hill Country, Weird US, True Horror Stories of Texas, Texas Cryptid Hunter, Mysterious Universe

Jennifer Harris

So this story is about Jennifer Harris, a 28 year old woman living in Bonham Texas, who’s nude body was found by a fisherman in the Red River, May 18 in 2002, so 18 years ago now. 

Jennifer was a very smart and beautiful woman. She had this super red curly hair, that I just truly adore. Shortly after she graduated high school she married her high school sweetheart, ROB HOLMAN. She then went to college and got a bachelor’s in aquatic biology, and a master’s in kinesiology, wellness, and nutrition from Stephen F. Austin. 

She loved nature and the outdoors and would go hiking and yoga, she was a cheerleader, played tennis, and was just described as a sort of kind free spirit. 

via WCBI.com

via WCBI.com

So here’s where stuff starts to slowly lead up to the actual murder.

Jennifer and her husband at the time, Rob, didn’t have the smoothest of times. There were claims that he was abusive towards her, its never been confirmed if it was verbal or physical, cause there were no actual police reports filed, but there will be more on that in just a sec. 

There was also the factor that at the time the couple was living in Dallas at the time and Jennifer loved it out there, but Rob liked the sorta quiet life back in Bonham and he did eventually move back there but before that her father had decided to visit and made a sort of discovery?

He said he remembers seeing holes in the wall. He had a good feeling that it was ROB and said on the 48 Hours episode that it looked like ..

”He took his fist and knocked five holes in the living room wall about as big as a softball…”

Jennifer and Rob Holman via WCBI.com

Jennifer and Rob Holman via WCBI.com

Jennifer’s sister also remembers issues with ROB and mentions that one might Jennifer had called her and her voice was just shaking and Jennifer had said that ROB had come home one night drunk and raped her. She never filed a report and honestly in fuckin 2002ish, I don’t blame her. And if it WAS an abusive relationship, being MARRIED only makes it that much harder to get out. 

And here’s the fuck of it, after her disappearance, ROB had been interviewed by the police and told them that SHE was the abusive one. And in his interview he said this,

“She was hot-tempered when we were married. And it was generally her way or no way. …Sometimes I'd grab her, wrap her up, keep her from hittin' and shit.”

She had enrolled in this massage therapy school and met a guy named JAMES HAMILTON, and they got along really well and they wanted to start a business together and eventually did, and he just sorta moved in with Jennifer cause ROB had moved back home to Bonham.

Jennifer and James Hamilton via WCBI.com

Jennifer and James Hamilton via WCBI.com

Her sister said on the 48 Hours episode that the whole thing was just no good in her opinion cause at this time Jennifer was still married and Hamilton was living with the mother of his child, and they had another on the way. He apparently asked her multiple to marry him, but each time she just said no, and sorta lost interest. She eventually did get a divorce from ROB,but in spring of 2002 the business with Hamilton, as well as their relationship, had fallen apart, and she was bankrupt. 

So with no way of making money she was just. Stuck. Her cousin Susan Bowen mentioned on the 48 Hours episode that Jennifer had told her that she had gotten back in touch with her ex-husband Rob, who had a new girlfriend. She also said that Jennifer said that she still loved ROB and that she wanted him back, and even told him so. ROB had even admitting to the police that they had had sex at least 4 or 5 times since Christmas. 

She was seen with a moving truck outside her apartment by her cousin Susan and planned on temporarily living with her grandmother. But on May 12, 2002 at around 8PM Jennifer left a family friend’s, Kristy Farr, saying she was going to meet someone. And according to the 48 Hours episode she called ROB and asked to see him, but he refused. He said to the police that he had plans with his girlfriend since it was Mother’s Day. So Anyways, she got in her green Jeep and drove away. And that was the last time she was seen alive. 

The following day, her Jeep was found down the Lake Bonham Hoe Down Hall, on county road 2680.

While she was still missing authorities called in James Hamilton and her ex-husband ROB Holman. Both men agreed to speak without a lawyer and were read their Miranda rights, even though they were not being arrested. 

Hamilton had an alibi that checked out, he was over an hour away with some friends at a McDonald’s. He also took and passed a lie detector test, but I mean, those aren’t entirely reliable but I think everyone knows that now. 

But Rob, the ex-husband, was concerned about his own alibi. He told them that he had gone out to buy beer and visit some friends, and when they weren’t home, guess what he decided to do. DRIVE AROUND FOR 5 HOURS ON THE BACKROADS OF FANNIN COUNTY. FIVE. HOURS. That’s like me driving to San Antonio from home, which for yall outta state is like driving halfway across fuckin Texas.

He starts off by saying he never saw her, but when hes pressed his story changes. He it to saying, he saw a jeep that MIGHT have been hers, to flat out saying

“I was on 898 at the stop sign by the blinkin' light… then I turned north. She was in front of me. She was comin' from town.”

I feel like I should also mention, just going back a tad, that he did get a phone call from her the day she disappeared and that her agreed to take a polygraph test, but there wasn’t one ever done. 

Six days later a fisherman would find Jennifer’s body in the Red River, completely naked and severely decomposed. When the original autopsy was done, the medical examiner classified it as a “Violent Homicide” and that her wounds had affected some of her internal organs. And like that’s all pretty typical I feel like, but there’s something else. Her uterus was missing. Now this could be a result of her injuries before she actually died, or from the wildlife in the river, but I have to bring it up because according to Jennifer’s best friend Jyl Wagner, she was pregnant. 

And get this, its corroborated by ROB. He told police that about a month before, he had met with Jennifer near a drive-in, and she had told him she was pregnant, and that it was HIS.

When he was interviewed again with a lawyer, he says that he didn’t believe she was actually pregnant, 

Now, there  was no actual evidence behind this, and it was even said by forensic experts in Dallas that there was no evidence that it was cut out by her killer, more likely a result of just the decomposition. So I GUESS the whole pregnancy motive, thread thing could really be thrown out, but I want to mention it just in case new info comes up or in case there’s new leads that could maaaaybe come from it’?

I honestly don’t give this bit of info too much weight because there’s really not a ton of evidence and there’s just too many conflicting testimonies. And unfortunately in this case, there’s a lot of bits to this story like that. Rumors got a hold of this story BIG time. For a brief moment, the district attorney overseeing her case got blamed for her murder and he’d never even heard of her. Let alone met her. 

A year after the murder, Deborah Lambert had seen a news report about the case and went to the detectives and told them that she saw something the day Jennifer went missing. 

She said. “there was three guys out there and a girl. And two guys had the girl by her elbows and it was like she was trying to get away from them and they were restraining her……I made eye contact with her and … she was scared, terrified look on her face… my mom seen her too and she said "that girl's fixin' to get raped and killed”

the Red River bridge via WCBI.com

the Red River bridge via WCBI.com

She said at the time that she was too scared to report it to the police, and like yeah, I mean I get it, but if you’re mom’s saying something like “shes gonna get raped and killed” ya gotta do something. And I mention this right after the rumor bit because the time that Deborah Lambert and her mother saw this, according to Deborah herself, was at around 5PM. And the problem with that is that Jennifer left her family friends place closer to 8. And in the 48 Hours episode they had a detective from like Jersey or New York, something like that, but he basically said, the time she said may not have been accurate at all, because how often are you actually looking at the time? And that it was still a lead worth looking into. 

So. this is already pretty long, but I have one last lil bit to plug in. Not necessarily under the rumor tab, just like. Additional stuff. 

Jennifer’s brother-in-law (sister’s husband?), Barry Wernick, her father Daryl Parker, and a PI Jim Holloway are working in making a docu-series called Justice for Jennifer. They have a website called Red Rabbit Justice, and we’ll throw a link to it somewhere so you can all check it out. 

But they made a few discoveries that are worth mentioning. 

When Jennifer’s body was found, there was this blue mud on her, and according to local fishermen there are only two places in several miles where that mud shows up. And they happened to find a riverbank nearby that had that same blue mud. And even better, the same night, on that blue bank, a small caretaker cottage burnt down. And before you ask, I couldn’t find exactly where that is, I looked on google earth and I’m just pretty sure the trees are covering whats left and that’s literally just a square concrete slab. 

They had a whole crew go to that area and gave it like a 10-15 foot sweep as well as digging out and searching a well that was nearby, but they didn’t find anything. And part of me is really hoping that they had some professionals out there, because the idea that there COULD have been evidence but it was destroyed or overlooked just barely stresses me the fuck out. 

But honestly, that’s it. That really just sums up the case. As of now there is ZERO evidence and ZERO leads. There’s an abundance of motives but none that have any weight to them.

But to take one from Jensen and Holes, if you or a family member was were around the Bonham/Ivanhoe area Mother’s day in 2002, so May 12th,  and saw Jennifer or heard anything please contact the Fannin County sherriff’s department and let em know. Their number is 903-583-2143, I’ll also try and put up a link to their website as well.

Sources: Synovaink, KTEN, Herald Democrat, CBS News, Justice for Jennifer Harris, KTEN, 48 Hours (Season 31 Episode 50)